— Mount Alexander Sustainability Group


MASG Membership Rates

MASG is a member and volunteer-driven organisation, committed to representing community interests in communicating sustainability aims across local government, industry and services.

Rates for 2024/2025

Associate (non-voting): Free
Individual $60
Concession $30
Family $80
Community Orgs $70
Business $150
Youth $10
Life $500

We need your support to continue this important work.


To become a member of MASG or renew your membership, please complete the following online form. You will receive an email confirmation with details of how to pay (or see below).

MASG Membership 2024/25

"*" indicates required fields

Please select one:*
Please select membership type:*
Please note - payment is currently by direct deposit, the details of which can be found on our website here and will be emailed to you.
Please complete if you have selected "Family" membership
Volunteering. Yes I would like to be contacted about volunteering with MASG. Please indicate availability.
DD slash MM slash YYYY


Pay us directly from your account and send us an email at info@masg.org.au with your name and the reference you used when making the payment.

Bank Details

Bank Australia Account Name: Mount Alexander Sustainability Group BSB: 313 140 Account No: 120 187 83 Reference: your initial and last name or organisation/business name.